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Bulk Inputs (pre-2019)

Most information, which can be captured individually, can also be captured in bulk using the bulk input options. These options still require you to enter the information manually*, but you are able to do so for all employees on a single screen rather than having to scroll through each of their profiles.

You can capture information in bulk by going to Employees > Bulk Actions and selecting the relevant input from the list.

*Please note: even though the information needs to be entered manually, you will have the option to copy down the first value of certain columns by clicking on the column heading and then clicking on Copy first value down. The first value in this column will then be copied down for the whole column. This functionality is available for columns containing information that is likely to be the same for many employees such as Payment Method. However, it is not available for columns containing unique information such as Email.

Payroll Inputs

Payslip Inputs are those items that are periodic or specific to a particular payslip. These inputs can be used to capture employees’ hours worked for a period, add once-off items to particular payslips and / or enter periodic inputs for regular items.

Regular Inputs are those items that relate to all payslips, such as the Basic Salary. These inputs can be used to add regular items to employees’ payslips as well as to set up the employees’ regular hours.

For either of the above inputs, select the relevant options from the drop down menu and capture the information. Certain items require you to select the Add option before being able to enter the information.

Informational Inputs

The options under this heading allow you to capture the various aspects of your employees’ Basic Info section. To add / enter all of this information on one screen, click Essentials and then select “All” from the third drop-down menu.

You can also add employees in bulk here by clicking the Add Row button (next to the Export to Excel button just below the drop-down menus).

All of this information can also be imported into the system using your P2C file, an Excel template* or individually as employees are added. More details on each of these methods can be found in the following articles:

*Please note: the one exception here is the pay frequency. You can add this information individually or using the Bulk Actions functionality, but you cannot import pay frequencies using an Excel template.

Take-On Tax Totals

Employees’ year to date totals can be manually captured as take-on balances by entering the relevant amounts in the columns for the corresponding categories. For more information on these balances, as well as adding them to the system, please see the following article:

Leave Take-Ons

You have the option to enter leave take-on balances if you previously used another payroll system. Alternatively, you could use this “take-on” functionality if you want to enter leave balances as at a particular date. More information about how to add leave take-on balances can be found in the following article:

P2C Import

The P2C CSV downloaded from ROS can be used to add employees to SimplePay, which is strongly recommended where possible.

If you have already added your employees using one of the other methods available, this P2C import feature can be used to add their previous employment’s payroll information as well as update their tax basis to ensure that all the relevant calculations are correctly performed. You can also update individual employees by uploading the P2C from their profile; please see the following article for more information: